Five Sigma July 28, 2022

Exclusive Data: A Glimpse into Claims Adjusters’ Day-to-Day Workloads

How does the work of claims adjusters vary across different lines of business? Five Sigma’s new findings shed light on this and other important questions.

Five Sigma June 3, 2022

Three Data-Backed Reasons Why Car Insurers Should Digitize Claims Payments

We analyzed over 10k exposures that were closed in the last six months for our auto insurance customers. Here’s three data-backed reasons why insurers should go digital when it comes to auto claims payments.

Five Sigma April 17, 2022

Case Study: Bringing Auto Insurance Claims Processing In-House

When INSHUR wanted to bring its claims processing in-house, the commercial auto insurance company chose Five Sigma—twice. Our latest case study shows why.

Go live in weeks with the state-of-the-art claims management platform.